Singing Guide: Frankie Yankovic

Singing Guide: Frankie Yankovic

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Frankie Yankovic, also known as America's Polka King, revolutionized polka music by introducing new instrumentations like the accordion and adapting popular songs for polka ensembles. Though he passed away in 1998, his musical legacy lives on as a testament to the power of polka.

In order to learn to sing like Frankie Yankovic, there are a few key techniques to master. First, it's important to develop proper breath control and diaphragm support in order to maintain the energy and momentum of a polka song. Singers should also practice perfecting their vowel sounds, which are essential to the bright and lively nature of polka music.

Apart from these fundamental techniques, it's also important to learn to sing with the appropriate accent and pacing of polka music. Polka songs often include alternating sections of faster and slower tempos, so singers need to be able to transition seamlessly between these different rhythms.

To showcase Frankie Yankovic's unique vocal style, take a listen to some of his most famous hits like "The Too Fat Polka" and "Just Because." His use of the accordion and instrumental breaks between verses in these songs make them perfect examples of the upbeat and lively nature of polka music.

To help develop these skills and learn even more about polka music, Singing Carrots offers a variety of helpful resources. For example, check out the pitch accuracy test to practice matching pitch and rhythm. There's also a great selection of warm-up exercises, pitch training games, and vocal range tests available on the site.

In addition, Singing Carrots has a wealth of articles that provide practical advice for singers, ranging from breathing and articulation techniques to tips for overcoming stage fright. For instance, Breathing basics provides helpful information on how to develop proper breath support, while How posture affects your singing explains how to align your body to optimize your singing performance.

Overall, to learn to sing like Frankie Yankovic, aspiring singers should focus on mastering the fundamental techniques of polka music, including breath control and diaphragm support, as well as the appropriate accent and pacing of the songs. Through careful practice and using the resources available on Singing Carrots, anyone can become a more confident and skilled singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.